So its been a hectic few weeks. Starting out with the camp and all. Camp was really fun. Though its too long to blog about. Nah, im just lazy. But yeah it was fun. Credit to everyone who made camp a success. E.g Lai, Fabi, Kenneth, the whole comittee (especially the cool ones) and even the participants for participating. Wouldve been a disaster if no one had gone. And thanks to the people at El Sanctuary for being friendly. Nawh actually. their son, Daniel was sorta unfriendly. But whatever. Then there was the hot daughter. We were so curious about their family. Tuh. Why the fuck do we sound like stalkers....
Then there was the debate competition at IIUM. It was really fun as well. Stressful but fun. We have 6 rounds of debate before they decide to put you in the knockouts. We didnt make it, needless to say. But its the experience that was important. We won 3 out of those 6 rounds which isnt good enough to progress. RMC won like 6 out of 6 so I think you can imagine the standards set there. Balls of a JEW. Thats like the new thing among us. Every insult has a jew in it. Not being offensive. It just rolls of the tongue nicely. if you dont get it, dont go round calling people Jews. You'll fucking get bombed for this shit. And if I say anymore, the ISA are gonna arrest me.
Nabil was having the time of his life touching people's ears. I dont know if its a fetish or what, but he just likes doing it. He did it to a student from Tun Ghafar Baba and the felow turned around with question marks all over his head. Should've seen his face. We were the only team to have fun there. Going around disturbing others. Luckily they were good sports and just took it in lightly. Otherwise, we would be hearing from the Principal soon. then on the fourth or fifth night, we were playing with two huge doors at the entrance of the hall. We made videos and all. Fucking awesome. Laughed our asses off. nabil and Kyren's especially were gut-wrenching, red-facing, laughter. Fucking hilarious.
Just too bad that Faris and Kyren had to fall sick. Fucking food there. First day and people started coming down with food poisoning. What the hell. luckily it was before the first debate so we got to complete all our debates anyway. half the poeple there came down with the runs. Eeeww. Too bad for the cleaning ladies.
Oh, and the winner was SMK Green Road from Sarawak. Yeah, I know. but they were quite good so credit to them. Hope to see more of them in the future. best speaker was Reza who is from MRSM Balik Pulau. yeah he's good. But I didnt think he was as good as that RMC guy. Too bad.
Thats all for now. Im out.
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