Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Holidays are here again. This time its Raya. Its sad that Raya has to come now for the Malay from 5's with SPM looming and all. PMR even worse. :)

So recently Taylor Swift got upstaged by Kanye West. :)

I say good. Its not like Taylor's video was good anyway. Im surprised it actually won something. Who the heck selects these winners anyway? It seems like everyone in the world is hating Kanye for what he did. Admittedly, maybe he could have spoken out after the show and not upstage her like that, but what he said was true wasnt it?

Everyone feels Kanye was mean. I say fuck that. Just because its Taylor Swift. Poor 17 year old white girl, BOO HOO. The truth is the truth. Her video just wasnt as good.


p.s. I dont hate Taylor, but she didnt deserve it.

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